The shoulder is remarkable in that it is one of the most flexible joints in the entire body. The shoulder has the greatest range of motion and this flexibility allows for activities such as throwing a baseball or reaching up to grab a can. Unfortunately, that mobility comes with a price in that the shoulder can become unstable, degenerated, or impinged over time causing pain with movement and activity. The major bones in the shoulder include the humerus and scapula. You might be familiar with some of the support elements such as the rotator cuff muscles or might be less familiar with others such as the subacromial bursa. As a result of the complex biomechanics of the shoulder, any injury or breakdown can cause significant pain or dysfunction.
At Align Spine and Pain, we will partner with you to identify the correct diagnosis. This personalized process begins by understanding your unique experience, taking a thorough history and performing a detailed exam. We strive to provide each patient with hope and optimism as we work together to return them to their best.
Patient Resources
Conditions We Treat
- Acromioclavicular (AC) joint arthritis
- Acromioclavicular (AC) joint dislocation
- Adhesive capsulitis (Frozen shoulder)
- Dislocation
- Glenohumeral joint arthritis
- Labral tear
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Rotator cuff syndrome
- Shoulder tendinitis
- Subacromial bursitis
Possible Symptoms
- Shoulder Pain
- Joint Stiffness
- Joint Weakness
- Limited range of motion
- Popping or cracking joint
- Activity intolerance
- Radiating pain down the arm
- Swelling