Hip & Pelvic Pain


Hip & Pelvic PainThe hip and pelvis are large structures integral to mobility and functionality. As such, they are some of the most common sources of pain. The area is composed of a complex relationship between bones such as the femur, muscles, and numerous soft-tissue structures. With age and use, the hip and pelvis can wear down, causing significant pain. If any of these parts become injured, your ability to live independently can be greatly hampered.

At Align Spine and Pain, we will partner with you to identify the correct diagnosis. This personalized process begins by understanding your unique experience, taking a thorough history and performing a detailed exam. We strive to provide each patient with hope and optimism as we work together to return them to their best.

Patient Resources

Patients often find it difficult to recall details about their pain. We know keeping track of symptoms, medications, surgeries, and even your care team can be a frustrating process. To help, we created a set of forms to help organize these important details. We hope that these forms can help our patients advocate for themselves and their loved ones.

Conditions We Treat

  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Bursitis
  • Femoral acetabular impingement
  • Hamstring strain
  • Hip fractures
  • Iliotibial (IT) band syndrome
  • Labral tear of the hip
  • Meralgia paresthetica
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Osteonecrosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sacroiliitis
  • Tendonitis

Possible Symptoms

  • Sharp or aching pain
  • Pain with activity or exercise
  • Swelling
  • Limited or painful range of motion
  • Popping or cracking with motion
  • Lower extremity weakness

What Sets Us Apart

Next-day Appointments
Next-day Appointments
Convenient Evening Hours
Convenient Evening Hours
Unrushed Visits
Unrushed Visits
All Major Insurances Accepted
All Major Insurances Accepted